Thursday, January 27, 2011

1st Doctor's Appointment in the 3rd Trimester

Yesterday, January 26th, I had my first prenatal appointment in the third trimester and it went well, as usual. Granna (my mom) went with me, she was able to hear his little heartbeat and meet my wonderful doctor. We are getting so close.

Here are the stats:
  • Blood Pressure - "excellent" (I always forget to ask what it actually is, though)
  • Jerry's Heart rate - 170
  • Measuring - 30 weeks - As of yesterday, I was 28 weeks 5 days; which means I am measuring a little over a week ahead
Mom remembered to ask about whether Dr. D felt that Jerry had flipped yet (thanks Mom). He said that he felt like he had because of where the heartbeat was, but wasn't too concerned about it yet and said he wouldn't be until we hit 36 ish weeks.

Everything is still looking great and I am feeling pretty good myself. My only major complaint is back pain and lack of sleep. But, hey, what's a girl do?

1 comment:

  1. Love getting your updates on a very healthy pregnancy and a very healthy baby boy! I can't believe you are getting so close! I cannot wait to meet Jerry, and know that you are going to be the most amazing mother! HUGS dear friend!
