Wednesday, September 22, 2010

5th Appointment = Wonderful Progress

Well, hey there!

Today, we had another appointment and it went really well.

Baby was measuring 3 days ahead, the heart rate was 184 and baby was just a wigglin'. The ultrasound tech was able to get some good pictures of our little baby. It's funny, baby looked like a baby today and not an M&M or gummy bear or blur. I am getting so excited - heck, I even announced it on Facebook.

The first picture is of the baby's profile of the face and the second picture is the little legs.

That's all for now. I'll update some later.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9 weeks, almost 10

Hey readers!

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Work as been stressful to say the least and I'm just plan tired. In fact, I took half a day off today to just come home and sit and rest in the peace and quiet.

So, I guess you all would like an update, huh?

I am doing good! Tired, nauseous, emotional but very good and pregnant. Today I am 9 weeks 6 days, tomorrow will be 10 weeks!! Double digits, yippee!

Oh and here is some fun info - I am starting to show!! I can't believe I am showing already. Not only that, I had to go buy a couple of pairs of maternity pants b/c my other's will no longer button. I got 2 pairs of pants for $20.69 at a consignment store. I am pretty pumped about that!!

Here is me at 9w 1d

Here is a little comparison of 6w 1d to 9w 1d

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Great Appointment!

Well, we did it. We made it the the 8 week mark plus some and then we had a wonderful appointment today.

Here are the stats:
  • 8 weeks 5 days, measuring 9 weeks 1 day (6 days ahead)
  • Baby's heartbeat was 179 (hmmmm, girl maybe?)
  • My blood pressure was 100/62
  • My weight was 163 (lost one pound, told to eat up!)
I go back in 2 weeks and then I will start being a "normal" pregnant woman and start going every 4 weeks for 2 or 3 appointments and move back to 2 weeks, then once a week and then BABY!!!!

So, in a word, things are awesome!!! I am so happy, so thrilled, so relieved and so excited!!!!

Wanna see some pictures?
Look, in the 2nd and 3rd picture you can see a little arm. In the 1st picture, it is blurry because baby was wiggling (ha, silly thing!).
Ahhhh, I am so excited!

Friday, September 3, 2010

8 weeks

Well, folks I made it to 8 weeks!

According to, baby is the size of a kidney bean.

Apparently baby has webbed fingers and toes, her eyelids just about cover her eyes, breathing tubes extend from her throat to the branches of her lungs and her tail is just about gone. In the brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. Unfortunately, external genitals haven't formed enough yet to be able to tell if baby is an Allyson or a Jerry. She is constantly moving and shifting, which I can't wait to finally be able to feel around the 15 to 20 week mark.

As for my current symptoms, I am feeling ok. My nausea is still pretty hardcore, my headaches are daily and the fatigue is one for the books. However, I am thankful to still feel ok and able to function. Even though functioning usually ends around 7:30 most evenings.

Only 5 more days until we see baby again!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Waiting is the worst

There is something to be said about waiting...

First, you wait to ovulate. Then you wait until the 2 week wait is up to see if you were able to conceive that cycle. Next you wait until you are able to get into the doctor's office and see a heart beat. Lastly, you wait until the next appointment to make sure things are still going ok.

So, it seems to me that this whole baby thing is nothing more than a waiting game. I think I would be more ok with the waiting if I weren't such a worrier. I am so worried that something will be wrong at the next ultra sound and that baby is, somehow, not ok. I worry that this is all too good to be true. I worry that I have, once again, gotten my hopes up.

Our next appointment is Wednesday, September 8th at 8:30 and it could not seem further away. I do realize that most women have to go 4 weeks in between appointments, but unfortunately, I am not most women - I am the 1 in 10 that have had more than one miscarriage. I just want this to work, ya know?

Let's just hope the next 6 days fly by!

I do have to say that the following picture, really is true.