Monday, December 20, 2010

23 weeks

Last Wednesday, December 15th, we went for a check up. Everything looks fantastic and Jerry is growing big and strong. My weight is fine and my BP measured perfect. Jerry's little heartbeat was a little erratic, but it was all because he kept running from the Doppler. He is one active little tyke and likes to wiggle around, especially if I'm on my back. Also, my fundal height is measuring a week ahead, this boy is going to be a chunker, I'm sure of it.
This post was meant to be short, as I would like to ramble some a little later in the week regarding Christmas. So, check back soon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What's in a name

I posted last time that our choice for our son's name was to honor my father, but I didn't mention the middle name - Michael. Michael is Jeremiah's dad's name. Jeremiah is really close with his dad and we felt that we should honor him as well. Two men for our son to model his life after in two very different ways. My father was an upstanding man who loved God, his family and everyone around him. He served in the Air Force, he worked hard everyday and he lived his life for my mom and I. Whereas Michael is a changed man. From my understanding, when Jeremiah was young, Mike (as we call him) lived more of a fast life and was led down a rough path. He is now a man that loves his sons, works hard and seems to want to make right of his wrongs from the past in one way or another. Two men that show our son the way to be in a very unkind world.

Now, the next part of this post is purely observational. I recently saw the list of top 10 names of 2010 and got to thinking about the people I grew up with and the kids Jeremiah grew up with - the kids of 1983 and 1979. Here are three lists of the top 10 names of the 3 eras. Interesting to see the wide changes, I think.

1 Michael Jennifer
2 Christopher Melissa
3 Jason Amanda
4 David Jessica
5 James Amy
6 Matthew Sarah
7 John Heather
8 Robert Angela
9 Joshua Nicole
10 Brian Michelle

1 Michael Jennifer
2 Christopher Jessica
3 Matthew Amanda
4 David Ashley
5 Joshua Sarah
6 James Melissa
7 Jason Nicole
8 Daniel Stephanie
9 John Heather
10 Robert Elizabeth

1 Aiden Sophia
2 Jacob Isabella
3 Jackson Olivia
4 Ethan Emma
5 Jaden Chloe
6 Noah Ava
7 Logan Lily
8 Caden Maddison
9 Lucas Addison
10 Liam Abigail