Thursday, January 27, 2011

1st Doctor's Appointment in the 3rd Trimester

Yesterday, January 26th, I had my first prenatal appointment in the third trimester and it went well, as usual. Granna (my mom) went with me, she was able to hear his little heartbeat and meet my wonderful doctor. We are getting so close.

Here are the stats:
  • Blood Pressure - "excellent" (I always forget to ask what it actually is, though)
  • Jerry's Heart rate - 170
  • Measuring - 30 weeks - As of yesterday, I was 28 weeks 5 days; which means I am measuring a little over a week ahead
Mom remembered to ask about whether Dr. D felt that Jerry had flipped yet (thanks Mom). He said that he felt like he had because of where the heartbeat was, but wasn't too concerned about it yet and said he wouldn't be until we hit 36 ish weeks.

Everything is still looking great and I am feeling pretty good myself. My only major complaint is back pain and lack of sleep. But, hey, what's a girl do?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

26-27 Weeks

Hope you are all enjoying your 2011! Ours is starting off just right.

You see, here in Alabama, we don't get a lot of snow and when we do it is usually a huge mess. Well, on January 9th, we had a "Winter Storm" come through that brought tons of ice and a nice little mixture of snow. We went to bed that evening with the sound of ice hitting the windows and snow on the ground. When we woke up, it was just a 3 inch layer of solid ice on the grass, the roads and anything else that was outside. IT WAS A MESS! It was pretty, but oh so nasty. Here are some pictures of our yard.

Back Yard:

Front Yard:

Looking at the neighbors yard:

As you can see, the road and driveways were iced over, which meant Monday and Tuesday, we were completely iced in. We didn't leave the house until Tuesday afternoon and that was just to go get paint (post about that later). Fun stuff, I tell ya. I have no clue as to how people in the north and east deal with this white stuff all the time.

Now, on the updates about Jerry. That's the best part, right?

On the 12th, I had my last appointment as a 2nd trimester girl. I am now on to the every-two-week appointments. The check up went well. I had the 1 hour glucose and passed with flying colors. The result was 117. Also, they checked my weight, BP and all the usual stuff. I am down 2 pounds, but Dr. D is not worried about that because I gained a lot in the beginning and am just starting to level off. We won't go into how much I have gained total, that isn't necessary. My blood pressure was fine and Jerry's heart rate was 163

That boy is a mover and a shaker. I feel him constantly and am pleased to say that as of yesterday, I now feel up right under my ribs. Oh the horror stories I have heard about babies and ribs, but hopefully he will keep away for awhile. I'm still not sure if he has flipped yet and I would be willing to say that he has not. I'm not going to worry about it until Dr. D does.

I guess that pretty much updates everything for now. We are just about finished with the nursery and when we are done with that, I will tell all about it.

Until next time, stay warm everyone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

I love being pregnant...

There is one thing I can say about being pregnant, it has made me a much more positive person. I don't know if it is just that things seem to be going our way, knowing that I accomplished this or just the hormones, be either way - I like it!

I was just thinking of all the things I like about being pregnant and thought I would share, since I'm on a positivity kick. (This list is in no particular order)
  1. I love feeling his movements and kicks
  2. I love watching my belly grow
  3. I love my pregnant body
  4. I love when people ask me about my pregnancy
  5. I love telling people that I'm having a boy
  6. I love hearing my mom talk about my pregnancy and knowing how much she already loves him
  7. I love how womanly I feel
  8. I love feeling connected to my friends who have children of their own - it's like an a new initiate into an elite club
  9. I love when Jeremiah wants to talk about Jerry's future and planning fun things for him
  10. I love that my house will be full in just a few months.
All in all, I just love it!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reminiscing (very long)


I got up this morning and knew I needed to do a blog post, because, well I haven't been very good at it lately. So, I sat and thought about what I wanted to post about. I thought "it would be neat to do a decade in review" and realized that a decade is a long time and most people probably wouldn't care to read that. So...

Oh, how about a "review of the years since Jeremiah and I met?" Hey, that could be interesting. A lot has happened since 2007. So, I am going to start at the year before and work my way up.

2006 - The year that was supposed to be nothing too exciting that turned into a year of change and heartache. In May I graduated from college with my BS in Family and Consumer Sciences. I moved to Birmingham in June and got my first big girl job as a lead teacher for a Pre-K class. Nothing about the beginning of this year was that grand and then October came. I was engaged and knew what was going to be happening in the years to come. That is until October 16th, my world changed with a simple phone call from my then-fiance. He was unhappy and ready to call it quits and he did. An eight year relationship was over. What do I do now?
2007 - The year of change. Things got bigger (namely my cup size, lol), I started to party a little and become more outgoing. I was really happy and loved life. March 1oth, a cute guy walked up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. I said "sure, how about a bud select" and he came back with a mich ultra. We both knew it was wrong and laughed it off. Skip to March 20th and we are on our first date at CCF talking and closing the place down. Jeremiah was so easy to talk to. So nice, so different. I knew he was something special. by the end of this year, I had decided that I didn't want to teach anymore and changed career fields abruptly.
2008 - Jeremiah and I had begun living together, were totally in love and really enjoying our time together. August 8th (08/08/08), he proposed and that was the beginning of a wonderful whirlwind.

2009 - A year of happiness, growth and loss. May 2nd, we got married and it was wonderful. We had our own little tiny family of us and Savannah. We got back from our honeymoon and began talking about what to do next. What big changes we wanted to take. I said "I want a baby, a house and a new - in that order." Jeremiah said "I want to buy a house and go from there." So, in August we put a contract on a house, in October we started talking babies. November 6th, we closed on our house and were so proud of what we had done. November 17th, we found out I was pregnant. Life seemed so full! Then came December. December 10th we found out I was miscarrying and on December 15th I had my first D&C and was devastated. The year started out exciting and ended terribly.

2010 - So many things happened this year. To fill my void, Jeremiah and I decided to add a different kind of baby, our sweet Molly Ann. It really did help to have something new to take care of and love. By April, I was pregnant again. I just knew this was going to be the one. This baby had to stick. Boy was I wrong. I moved on, but fell into a deep depression and didn't know how to get out. I began seeing someone in May and worked through my sadness and sense of failure. Jeremiah and I called off TTC between May and August and were just going to wait it out. However, it's funny what God has in store. August 8th (yep, two years after getting engaged), I found out I was pregnant for the third time. I cried and cried and cried. I was so scared. But look, this baby stuck! We are going to have a baby boy! A year that began in sadness has ended in such happiness and excitement. I just can't believe it.

2011 - The year of the baby! Jerry Michael is expected to arrive in less that 15 weeks from today. I really can't believe that 2011 is going to be such a HUGE year for the Watts household.

Happy New Year, again. May this year bring you joy and everything your heart desires.